
Key Strategies to Keep Your Website Development Project on Schedule.

Key strategies to keep your website development project on schedule


Developing a website just be the most crafty and mindful task for a web designer. It is a work that you have to prepare the best way possible while maintaining the scheduled timeline because being late isn’t really an option in today’s world!

Reportedly, 39% off all website development projects are delivered as per schedule while maintaining project budget and required quality. Moreover, 43% of them are delivered at a delayed date which may even have crossed the budget And on top of that, these projects hardly ever meet the expected qualities of the client. And as for the rest of the projects, they fail to meet any of the deliverable necessities.

Here, we are going to discuss some major strategies to keep your website development project on schedule. Consider these steps below as the must-do points before beginning the website development project.

1. Craft the Perfect Plan

Whenever you are thinking about starting a project create a plan. Planning the perfect schedule is a must-do job even before you begin the actual job. You need to assess the entire project idea and what kind of risks may appear on the way. It will be easier to avoid possible roadblocks and keep the project on track. This is the way you can establish a trustworthy relationship with the client.

Furthermore, it is important to draw an efficient plan regarding what kind of tools you are to use. If you choose WordPress or SquareSpace; what is more effective between custom functionality and Plugin? The list of choices and options go on until you finalize the most essential ones.

2. Set a Realistic Deadline

Once a plan is taken into consideration, and you know the steps the project development will go through, you can fix an estimated time schedule. The plan you’ve finalized must include resources, team members and their responsibilities, budgets of the project, and more such details.

However, several roadblocks may appear after you have already begun the task. In that case, you will need to adjust the timeline as well as other estimated factors. Also, setting a deadline that may almost drain your staff has every possibility to affect the quality of task. This is why you should not decide upon a timeline that is not practical.

3. Don’t Ignore Project Management Tools

A project management tool offers the best way to keep track of your website development project. You can document your progress making the task much easier. Also, the team gets a clear idea regarding their ongoing tasks and what they will need to do once the current task is done.

There are various project management tools available for website developers and designers. You can choose among Hive, Trello, Wrike, Jira, etc. But you must consider the methods you are following to develop the website.

4. Make It Clear to Clients

Most of the time, the clients have no practical knowledge about web development. And sometimes, they tend to give illogical instructions about designing. There is a popular saying, “the customers are always right”. You are doing the website developing project for the client, yes. However, you, as the web developer, need to set a clear boundary beforehand and make the clients understand what is and isn’t possible.

Many a time, we tend to agree with client’s terms which, in reality, may just be impossible to achieve. Therefore, we recommend you to consult with your team first, and even say ‘no’ to certain demands if necessary. Otherwise, the project will get delayed, and you will be left with no other choice but to blame yourself.

5. Include Quality Assurance within Timeline

Assuring quality of the project after the website is ready is the last yet one of the most important stage. And most of the time, developers tend to leave it as a last minute task. But doing so may just be the biggest mistake for a website development project!

Quality assurance (QA) are there to make sure if the website is properly working. They assess the codes for any possible bugs prior to the release. In case, there is a bug, it needs fixing. And the task is not an easy job. It may risk the delivery being delayed. Make sure to add the testing stage in the schedule.

6. Organize Documentation

You will have to prepare a series of documentation that includes installation instructions, user guide, release notes, FAQs, etc. These are the documents that will be delivered to the end-users later. Moreover, there are multiple information that are required while the project is still on track. Developers need an efficiently put documentation for wireframes, notes, and designs.

All in all, you must document each and every step of the website project. But do not forget to store them somewhere that can be easily located. Developers should be able to find these documents when required. Tools like Google Drive allows you to create sub-folders for various files. Name these files and folders accordingly, so your team can locate and use it.

7. Keep a Track for Progress

To keep a timely check on project progress is a responsibility that you must follow as a website developer. Having a clear idea regarding where you stand in terms of schedule, expense, and project quality is necessary. Any project can face some unforeseen challenges that would delay its progress. But the entire team of web developer are to know about it. If you have a clear look at the problems, then only you will be able to find the most apt solution to solve it.

This way, you will form the ability to estimate better planning for the future website development projects. How will do it effectively? Here are some tips –

  • Plan regular meetings among the team of developers and designers. Communication gap is something that must be avoided at any cost during ongoing projects. Even check-ins will offer the team to build trust and work more spontaneously.
  • Make sure no developer is facing a roadblock while doing a task. You must create an easily approachable system among the team members so they can ask for help any time. This will help with work quality and productivity.
  • Create small milestones for every little stage of the website project. This will keep up the morale of developers, and they will feel a sense of accomplishment.

8. Don’t Forget Risk Management

You, as a developer, must know how to forage instant plan B when required. Smalls risks are easier to manage, but when it comes to the bigger ones? This may very swiftly cause a big hurdle and delay the project.

So, prepare a risk list while beginning the project. And keep in mind to update the list as the project proceeds forward. Your aim is to anticipate any possible risk. If or when a risk arrives, be ready to deal with it with a clear mind.

Planning a systemized way to reach your goal is an essential part of any project. A bad plan will make you fail to complete your website development project on schedule. So, every time you take a new project, just remember to keep these strategies in mind.