
How To Future-Proof Your WordPress Site For Business Growth?

Future Proof Your WordPress Site For Business Growth

WordPress has been at the peak of discussion ever since the beginning. The majority of internet users prefer an easy-to-browse website. And WordPress remains the first choice for website builders across the globe.

Will WordPress Remain Relevant in the Future?

Let NineGravity assure you of one fact… WordPress has been and will always be relevant. It has developed several tools and features with time. As the world of technology progresses, WordPress’s record shows the CMS is going to stay relevant.

Reportedly, in recent years, several changes have been witnessed in WordPress services. It covers its collaborations, customization tools, and audience experience. The goal is to continue providing unique and amazing tools to craft attractive websites.

So, the one-word answer is: Yes, WordPress will be relevant for the years to come.

Then, Why Do WordPress Websites Break?

Well, some conflicts may be rare but not uncommon. Several websites faced the issue mostly when WordPress released an update. In the past, many websites broke when WordPress 5.6 was released. Even the owners failed to access the sites. The same happened when WordPress 5.8 came to the market. Many themes started having glitches.

What went wrong? NineGravity came across several reasons.

  • Some of those websites had maintenance issues. And they could not with the updates as a result.
  • Some websites went through complete customization. The themes transformed so much that it failed to handle current changes.
  • Some website themes were not tested. So no one could know if they could handle WordPress 5.6. Even out-of-control plugins failed to work as there was in prior tests.

You can avoid such situations easily! All you need to do is to follow a routine. Yes, WordPress site management can seem chaotic. But it is not in reality.

  • Keep the website up-to-date, so it does not lag behind.
  • Use themes that have quality codes. Low-quality themes are easy to break whenever they face a bit of pressure.
  • Make sure the plugins you integrate are secure.
  • Make a habit of updating plugins and themes timely and test them for upcoming WordPress updates.
  • Consult your website developer regularly and follow their suggestions.

You have to keep it ready for any future changes and make it prepared to handle future updates. Now, you may wonder how it will happen! Read on…

How to Make Websites Future-Proof?

This is the checklist you have to keep at your side. It is not a hassle if only you know the right steps

Update Host & Server Regularly

Website maintenance is necessary to keep it ready for future changes. Thus, it is necessary to update your website server and hosting account on a routine basis. Using the latest version makes it user-friendly.

Moreover, not following this will make any site slow, and unstable. It can even cause security hazards. WordPress follows PHP code language and using an older version will only lead to its falloff.

Use the Latest Version of the Theme & Plugin

This is a major responsibility as it can get really confusing sometimes. Some will advise you to update WordPress themes and plugins as fast as it is released. But at NineGravity, we believe in patience.

That is why you must wait and see how the latest version is faring. Sometimes, updated versions of themes and plugins crash the entire website! But giving it time does not mean you can let it become outdated. Ensure your WordPress site is compatible with the latest version of plugin and theme. And then, install it.

Keep It SEO-Friendly

Google values user experience the most. And that’s why they continuously keep a watch on content quality and relevance. Also, search engine optimization ensures your website gets the most traffic and a smooth experience.

So, you need to keep your WordPress website SEO-friendly around the clock. A minute of ignorance can cost you a lot! You have to review on and off-page optimizations as well as technical SEO aspects. This will keep your website ready for any metric changes by Google.

Modest & Clean Site Design

Websites aim to better use experience constantly. How? Firstly, begin with a clean website design. Make it easier for the audience to find what they are looking for. Otherwise, there is no point in fashioning a heavy-design website!

E-commerce customers prefer convenience. A too-crafty website can deter users, and they may leave the site entirely. So, as long as you come up with a clear and smooth site, you are okay.

Ensure User Safety and Privacy

Offering security is one of the most important factors to ensure future-proofing your website. The audience looks for a safe and satisfying browsing experience when they search for anything on the internet. Hence, it is a big step to future-proofing your WordPress site.

Additionally, privacy is one of the biggest concerns for website owners. GDPR shades excessive focus on it. Moreover, privacy is going to hold its position on top of security measures in the future. Thus, you must keep your audience notified about WordPress site privacy policies.

Integrate a Mobile-Friendly Approach

More than half of the web traffic on the internet is generated through mobile responsive websites. If your WordPress site does not have a mobile-ready design, your traffic and ranking is going to face a lot of issues.

So, NineGravity is giving you a gentle reminder to include a responsive website design that works on all devices. It generates speed and traffic at the same time. Google launched test tools to check if a website is mobile-friendly or not. We recommend you go through it and move accordingly.

Wrapping up

Let us assure you that these aspects will help you in the future significantly. Having a future-proof website is the key to optimizing traffic and securing it from potential glitches. And you must keep up with time, so your WordPress site stays relevant to audiences all over the globe. 

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